La nona conferenza internazionale di ASPO si terrà il 27/29 Aprile in Brussels, in Belgio. Per informazioni complete, consultate il sito www.aspo9.be. Nel seguito, il testo dell'annuncio in Inglese.
Dear Sir/Madam,
ASPO Belgium and Peakoil Nederland have the pleasure to invite you to the 9th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas, which will take place 27-29 April 2011 in Brussels, Belgium
with extensions at the European Parliament (early May)
Walloon Parliament (26 April)
Join experts and speakers from around the world to discuss the future of fossil fuels, effects of high oil prices on the economy and agriculture, renewable energy support policies, and many more topics related to ‘European Energy Policy in an era of expensive energy’.
· Philippe Henry - Belgian Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Mobility for Wallonia
· Dr. Ir. Jean-Marie Masset - former Total Senior VP Geoscience
· Prof. Dr. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele - Professor at Catholic University of Leuven and Vice-Chair IPCC
· Prof. Dr. Paul Stevens - Chatham House, London
· Dr. Wes Jackson - President of the Land Institute, Kansas, USA
Click here for the Full List of Experts and Speakers
Register before 15 march to benefit from a 100 euro Early Bird Discount
I look forward to meeting you in Brussels, Belgium on April 27-29, 2011.
Patrick Brocorens, President ASPO Belgium
Université de Mons - UMONS
Tel. : +32-(0); e-mail: patrick.brocorens@umons.ac.be

The 9th ASPO Conference is realized with support from:
· Brussels-Capital Region
· The University of Mons
· Wallonia
· Walloon Parliament
ASPO Belgium and Peakoil Nederland have the pleasure to invite you to the 9th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas, which will take place 27-29 April 2011 in Brussels, Belgium
with extensions at the European Parliament (early May)
Walloon Parliament (26 April)
Join experts and speakers from around the world to discuss the future of fossil fuels, effects of high oil prices on the economy and agriculture, renewable energy support policies, and many more topics related to ‘European Energy Policy in an era of expensive energy’.
· Philippe Henry - Belgian Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Mobility for Wallonia
· Dr. Ir. Jean-Marie Masset - former Total Senior VP Geoscience
· Prof. Dr. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele - Professor at Catholic University of Leuven and Vice-Chair IPCC
· Prof. Dr. Paul Stevens - Chatham House, London
· Dr. Wes Jackson - President of the Land Institute, Kansas, USA
Click here for the Full List of Experts and Speakers
Register before 15 march to benefit from a 100 euro Early Bird Discount
I look forward to meeting you in Brussels, Belgium on April 27-29, 2011.
Patrick Brocorens, President ASPO Belgium
Université de Mons - UMONS
Tel. : +32-(0); e-mail: patrick.brocorens@umons.ac.be

The 9th ASPO Conference is realized with support from:
· Brussels-Capital Region
· The University of Mons
· Wallonia
· Walloon Parliament
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