lunedì, settembre 11, 2006

La Seconda Fase: il Diniego

Come si sa, di fronte a ogni nuova idea, ci sono quattro fasi di risposta.

1. Ignorarla
2. Negarla
3. E' vera, ma non è importante
4. E' quello che avevo sempre detto io.

Con il picco del petrolio, siamo nettamente nella seconda fase, quella del diniego. E' un momento in cui arrivano da tutte le parti spiegazioni del perché la teoria non può funzionare, che il petrolio è abbondante, eccetera.

Fino a non molto tempo fa, eravamo ancora nella prima fase; ci stiamo muovendo rapidamente. A questi ritmi saremo alla quarta fase entro un paio d'anni.

da ", vari dirigenti di ExxonMobil Australia si divertono così.


THE world has an abundant supply of oil, and high petrol prices are just the
reality of a globally traded commodity, ExxonMobil Australia chairman Mark
Nolan said today.

Mr Nolan used his speech to the Asia Pacific oil and gas conference in
Adelaide today to debunk the theory of peak oil, which suggests oil supplies
have peaked and will dwindle over the next 20 years.

Such predictions, he said, had been around since the 1920s, particularly at
times of high oil prices.

“The fact is that the world has an abundance of oil and there is little
question, scientifically, that abundant energy resources exist,” Mr Nolan

“According to the US Geological Survey, the earth currently has more than
three trillion barrels of conventional, recoverable oil resources.

“So far we have produced one trillion.”

Mr Nolan said the oil industry had always underestimated the extent of
global resources and the ability of technology to both extend the life of
existing oil and gas fields and find new ones.

“We should not forget that we can recover almost twice as much oil today as
when we first discovered it over 100 years ago,” he said.

Read the rest at:,21598,20390685-5005361,00.html

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